Monday, April 5, 2010

80km TT Wandi

Had an absolute blast today and did better than my target of 2.5hours.
2:26:23 - so I am rapt. :) - that gives me an average of  33.8km/hr.
Lap 1 - 0:18:25
Lap 2 - 0:18:37
Lap 3 - 0:18:41
Lap 4 - 0:18:19
Lap 5 - 0:18:50
Lap 6 - 0:18:05
Lap 7 - 0:17:38
Lap 8 - 0:17:48
Time - 2:26:23
Average - 33.8km/h 
I found it very difficult to eat and ride. The best thing I did was starting to eat a gel, an energy bar
and a saltstic about thirty minutes before start time.
On the ride I consumed: two gels, 3/4 of a power bar, one saltstic capsule and 1.2l of water.
I think I will have to eat more for the 160km TT, or else use liquid food of some sort.
After the ride I consumed 1/4 power bar, 750ml of water and 750ml powerade.
I was all over the place with gear selection the first two laps. By lap 3 I settled on
sticking to higher cadence to protect my ankles and knees and this helped me settle into a better rhythmn.
I always felt out of breath (especially after a drink). I might have been a little too close to going anaerobic??
On the flats I would catch up to riders, but they would inch away from me on the crest of hills.
I almost stopped on one corner for cars existing a roundabout and on a few others, sprinted to get in front
of a rider I had been closing on and new I could get around the corner faster.
Laps 5 and 6 were really ratty. I think the wind changed direction and blew hard down the front straight. Every gear seemed too tall.
Then for laps 7 and 8 there was no wind at all.

I pulled up really well with no soreness in my ankles or knees.
So, hopefully, I am on target to complete the 160km in two weeks.

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