I think house maintenance may have a postive impact on my cycling.
After hours of painting and repairing house parts which included some serious mileage walking up and down stairs has quickly built up my power output on the bike.
You could add exercise regimen to that as well.
Less than a month ago my riding average was around 23 km/h. On the last three rides I achieved an average of between 25 and 28km/h.
The rides were on the same roads na dbike paths that I always ride. The weather was changeabe. On one ride it was dry sunny and windless on the outbound. Inbound was with a headwind, rain and bitter cold (all on the same day). Outboudn was 28km/h. Inbound 25km/h.
Yesterday's ride around the river to Shelley bridge and return was in glorious weather. The wind shifted from southerly to south westerley. So a little wind assistance. The scenery was glorious and I stuck to a high cadence that was comfortable but not too difficult. My average was 26km/h.
I hope this trend continues as I would love to have an average speed in the 30s.
The house mainteneance is all complete too, so I will have to find more time for the set routines on the exercise bike.
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