A cold winter's ride started last Saturday morning under blue sky and a steady northerly breeze.
I decided to go check out the new "Fairyville" in Little Covet Garden in Maida Vale.
The ride out down the Freeway, Roe Highway, Hawtin Road, was relaxing. I was hiking along at a good pace and really enjoyed having the cycleway to myself (Calculated average of 28km/h, which is brilliant for me!). Along Hawtin road I did not have one incident with other road users. This was my first ride on roads since April and was wary but relaxed by the courteousness of drivers. At slow points or narrowing of the road cars would not squeeze but rather wait until I cleared the control. I gave a friendly thank you wave as they passed.
Fairyville at Little Covet Garden is delightful with colourful building fronts. There is a town square and of course many fairies going about their daily business. You can book your own tour of the garden and fairyville at anytime of the year. The garden tours are extremely popular.
Two minutes after leaving the rain started and the wind whipped up to a strong headwind.
The rain jacket was doing a good job, however the rain was being driven sideways by the wind.
Each raindrop felt like a tiny needle stabbed into my face.
Not to be outdone I lifted my scarf to shield my face. This immediatley brought relief.
I was breathing fine until the scarf was completely soaked and would be sucked into my mouth at each breath. So it was back to stinging needle stabs.
Back home after an hour and a half, a hot shower fixed all numbness out of my face and other parts.
I tell everyone I had a good ride and was only caught in one shower of rain...that pelted me and lasted for 90 minutes. No matter, I still enjoyed the ride.
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