Bike Bag setup. Also some image of how I make and use my hydration bottle.
I use the Radical Seat bags to carry my spares, pump, water, food and other bits and bobs.
they work really well. Even when they are bulgingly full they are still quite aero. I have taped a water bottle cage on the stem to see how it goes. Water in that bottle and a cordial mix in the hydration bottle that goes in the bag.
I rode to Freo with Rob. There were less than 10 riders in Group 3. Busselton ironman half marathonTriathlon was on this weekend. Road home giving about 110km. the group ride (65km) averaged 30 to 32km/h. Give or take traffic light stops.
It was a very pleasant ride but not very sociable. One rider commented to another that they did not like being behind a recumbent. "Why is that." I ask? "When I turn my head to the side you are too low to be seen." Okayyy.
I wonder if I was met so stoically by the others because of their issues with recumbents?
I am sure some to them are of the opinion that group rides are for DFs only. MTB and TT bikes are also excluded. Should I continue to persevere riding in a group?
Other than watching them just in front or using them as a hill target, I did not feel like I was keeping
good company. Is a recumbent rider's lot is a solo one I don't want to go there?
Why aren't any other RR (recumbent riders) interested in forming a group ride.
I perceive the Sunday ride to be for the old RR brigade.
I love riding recmbent and don't want to change, but how do I get into a fun, fast sociable ride.
I might try riding 10m behind the group for the whole ride and have a coffee with them at the end.
Next week I will do the usual Tuesday, Thursday rides.
The 20km TT is on Sunday - season closer.
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