Wednesday, April 21, 2010

160km ITT Sunday 18th April

I realised a milestone in my cycling and personal achievements by completing the 160km ITT, in less than 6 hours. I really wanted to finish well in 2010 as last year I was only able to do 3 out of the 4 laps.
27.7km/h average
With less than a week before the event I lost time fixing rear axles. The freehub broke on wheel 1 and a retaining nut would not tighten up on wheel 2. I made up good wheel out of the two and hoped it would hold together to the finish.
Laps 1 and 2 went to plan. I stopped for my second drink bottle and lost time turning ice into water. Lap three I just could not eat. I gave up on solid power bars and started on the gels. Lap Four - Hot, no wind, lots of aches and pains, but each corner got a victory salute.

I don’t like Punrak road at all as it is only one lane of potholed bitumen and lots of gravel shoulder. I love Rapids Road with the cool shade over it and the greenery around the Serpentine River. I worked out the best way to ride St Albans with its very bouncy chipseal. Simply ride faster. Like driving over corrugated roads, ride fast enough that the wheels float over the high spots. The other advantage to this method was to flatten the hill and gradual rise. I am sure I made good time over this section.

Yes, I was the last to finish, but it was pretty cool having my own pace car with flashing lights. I must have looked real important. Around the final corner and up to the finish line. I was euphoric, I had finally done it.

I want to thank all the organisers and volunteers for their time, effort and encouragement. A fabulous event and your enthusiasm and encouragement to riders is highly motivating.

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